Sunday, July 7, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding, Part 5

            If you missed part of this blog, click on these links:
When a Family is in a Wedding Part 1
When a Family is in a Wedding Part 2
When a Family is in a Wedding Part 3
When a Family is in a Wedding Part 4

                After the "work" of photography (my, so much harder than we ever remember, isn't it? All that standing and smiling and trying to show your best side and maybe sucking in the gut, etc. ) then it was time to finally relax and have some fun with the reception!

              One of the really great things about Nate and Maria's church is that they recognized the help they needed and they provided it! They helped make the food and set it up and had tables and chairs set up very quickly, complete with a dance floor, right there in the room that was used as the sanctuary just moments before. They even had pretty table decorations!

               I think my favorite part of the reception was when Maria and several of her friends started doing the Macarena.... and then Zach joined them... and then Sarah, Caleb, and Matthew joined them... and yes, even Bethany got in on the fun. I wish I had video and pictures of that, but I don't! I had a blast just watching them (though I did dance to some other songs, of course..... )

                It wasn't until the very end... when most people had left and the church friends were beginning clean up, that I finally sat down to rest. I looked up and watched the entire slideshow that Maria had put together of she and Nathan growing up.

                At first I felt very sentimental watching Nathan "grow up" right before my eyes.... but then, as I was watching Maria "grow up" as well, suddenly, all the emotion of the day hit me at once.... I began to cry and let the tears stream down my face. Maria saw me crying and came to hug me. I told her that I had just watched the slideshow and started crying, even though I had made it through the entire ceremony earlier without crying. As we hugged, I told her, "I prayed for you! I didn't know your name, but I have prayed for you all your life... that is what just hit me... I'm not crying just because of seeing Nathan's pictures, but because of your pictures, too!"

So, we cried together.... a good ending to the very good day! <3

 Let the reception begin!


          Tony got these great shots of Caleb and Matthew before the reception started, I think they enjoyed being dressed up in suits.... just a little bit.

The bridal party sat at a long table at the front of the room.

 The newlyweds first dance as husband and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Mull

                 There was a dance for the bride to dance with her father and for the groom to dance with his mother.... Unfortunately, I guess we didn't get pictures of the bride and her father. I am pretty sure I haven't danced with Nathan since he was little enough for me to pick up and dance with. It was nice, though, and we talked quite a bit throughout our dance together.

Married Couples' Dance!

Yes, there was a "married couples" dance, so I guess that means us!

51 Years!

        They asked for people to only remain on the dance floor if they had been married for over 45 yrs.... only one couple was left! My in-laws, Tony's parents were celebrating their own wedding anniversary the next day-- 51yrs! So, Nate and Maria honored them during the married couples' dance.

The Dollar Dance!

Bethany dancing with Nathan
Matthew dancing with Maria

I had to pay out quite a bit of money to ensure every one of my younger kids got to dance with Nathan and Maria! :-)

Abigail got shy at the last moment....
 so of course, I just danced with 
Maria while holding her. :-)

Nathan is dancing with his new mother-in-law
  Zachary, Sarah, Ellie, and Caleb all got turns to dance as well.....   


Nathan and his cousins: Jaden, Gabriel, and Eliana. We were so glad they were able to come to the wedding --- all the way from the top of the state of Indiana to the bottom.... a long drive, for sure.....

Tony got to dance with two daughters at the same time! 
Apparently, neither wanted to share their daddy!

More Traditional Reception Festivities:

The garter
 I actually missed most of these festivities. I must've been talking to someone or something because it was at the very last moment when I noticed they were cutting the cake. Oh, well, thankfully, my boys did get some pictures for me! :-)

The cake cutting.... harder than it looks....
I think they are concentrating very hard to get this. ;-)
Pretty flowers on the cake!

Apparently they had a toast together... I missed this, too.

Bethany and Maria

                 All in all, it was a very beautiful day (though, the weather was a bit rainy and overcast.) We were all very happy and relieved that it went so well. I was very impressed with the level of organization that Maria had with the whole thing! Considering that they were just engaged in January, and both Nate and Maria were in school and working while planning this wedding, they really did a wonderful job.We are very glad to have Maria as a new "daughter" and my children are very happy to have her as a new "sister." She fits right in. :-)

 *Disclaimer: if the spacing or order of the pictures seems odd, it is not because I didn't try to get it just right..... ugh.... blogger doesn't let me put the pictures where I want them to be and often rearranges the pictures because the edit page is wider than the true page Ugh........ :-(

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