Saturday, March 30, 2013

Waiting in the Dark.....


          Feeling extraordinarily down and depressed tonight due to a variety of circumstances, but using it to reflect on how the disciples must've felt the night before the third day... What was it like to celebrate that particular Shabbat? Things can always seem so dark and hopeless in the night... but that next morning changed everything! There was a time of waiting for His Glory to be revealed, and they didn't really even understand what they were waiting for....

         What if they had known what they were waiting for?!? What if they had understood all that He had been telling them repeatedly? It wasn't kept a secret from them. Jesus explained what MUST happen.... He told them! Yet, they really didn't understand what they were waiting for.... not really....

          I was thinking that for them to fully recognize how wonderful the
Good News really is, they really needed to be plunged into the darkness so they could fully understand the hopelessness of this world without Christ.... and then when His Glory was revealed through His Resurrection, they experienced the full joy of the reality of His Eternal LIFE! Perhaps this is, in part, what compelled them to suffer and die for their faith in the years to come!

         So, I am thankful that when I am feeling down and depressed about temporal stuff... things that will pass away and not even matter in a few years.... I am thankful that I have learned to expect that in some way, His Glory will be revealed in my circumstance... and blessed am I for what I do understand....... as well as what I don't.

Under His Wing......

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