Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding...... Part 1

Well, it has been several weeks since I was last able to write a blog. I have had a lot going on... namely my son's wedding! It has been an exciting time of planning, sewing, preparing, and traveling.... We had a lot to get done before the trip. Due to finances, we haven't been able to make any trips in the last few years... our younger kids didn't really know what a motel was as they had never seen one before... We wanted to extend our time in Evansville to help this be a "mini-vacation" as well as the fun time of going down for the wedding.

First try on the girls' hair....

Bethany likes her dress too!

Abi was excited to try on her "princess dress" after I made the sash...

The preparation itself was quite an undertaking.... I had three girls who seemed to want to pack every favorite dress they owned, as they thought of all the useful reasons they could wear them... and of course, this meant shoes, jewelry... you know.... accessories... and, then, I had a 9yo little boy who came in with a couple clothing items which he threw into his suitcase and pronounced that he was done. When I explained that he needed underwear for each day, plus one extra pair, and different outfits for each day, plus an extra outfit, he threw a tantrum and cried for over 20 minutes as he argued, "I don't need a lot of clothes, Mom! I can wear the same underwear everyday. I do it all the time!"

Sarah's hair before the wedding......

Matthew tries on his new bow tie with his suit.

In the meantime, I still had to pack for myself, as well, and I hoped that the older boys were not taking Matthew's approach. I made a list for each day for what each of the younger children had planned to wear and lists of accessories, bathing suits, etc. It was quite a job getting everyone packed, and I can't imagine I'd ever gotten it done if I had to pack for my husband and older boys, too!

The ringbearer's pillow I made for Sarah to carry.....
The ringbearer's pillow I made for Matthew to carry.....

Crocheted two of these and we lined the flowergirl baskets with them.... then afterwards, I gave these to my son and daughter-in-law to keep for their home.

The trip down to Evansville went extremely smoothly. I knew we had many friends praying for our time together, and for the most part, travel went very well. The kids were SO excited about the motel rooms.... "Mom, we have a microwave!" " Mom, there is a refrigerator here... and a TV!" and "Mom, this is our room?! We get to LIVE here?!?" LOL! Then you should've heard them chattering when they saw the swimming pool!!! :-)

We are all ready to go!

Tony's parents came from North Carolina, and his aunt and uncle had driven from Nebraska, so they were visiting by the pool, and thankfully, we got a little time to visit with them then. That evening was the rehearsal, then we had to head to Walmart to pick up some more last minute things and then get back to the motel because the kids, really, really, really wanted to swim and their cousins were there waiting for them! That evening, I was very tired, but enjoyed watching my kids and their cousins splashing away in the pool. They all slept well that night. Soon it would be..... the Wedding Day!

End of Part 1.... To read part 2 go to : When a Family is in a Wedding... Part 2

Under His Wing......

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