Thursday, January 10, 2013

Self-Pity Rant.... or How to Deal with Acute Pain...

     Well, I usually try to write something more thought-provoking, however, tonight, I am more into a self-pity mode than anything else... trying to work myself out of it, but ugh.... sometimes it is just hard.... Yesterday, I threw my back out and I am IN PAIN... I went to the chiropractor today, so I am better than I was this morning. I told her that after I made the appointment, I wondered if I was just wimping out, but she said, "NO... you needed to be here...." I was actually joking a bit, as it would've been pretty obvious if anyone had seen me trying to get myself out of my van!

      My chiropractor had to work a long time, as she said herself she had never seen me this bad before... and I have been going to her for 12 yrs. now.  I don't think I've ever been like this before. The weird thing is, I didn't do anything to cause it.... just woke up this way!

      When she first tried to have me get up off her table, I couldn't move... LOL... I can tell you that there is nothing more embarrassing or humbling than to be so dependent and helpless... literally flat on your back and unable to get up.... sort of like a turtle that's been turned over.... I laughed and made a joke, telling her, "It takes a lot of humor to have the right amount of humility to get through this....." LOL!

      After she worked on me some more, I was finally able to sit up with great pain. I still had to walk very slow, but I could walk a little straighter and turn better to look when driving.... She told me to ice my back, so I've been sitting here, driving myself nuts with all that I need to do, but unable to do much nor really concentrate. Thankfully, I did get some housework done yesterday before throwing out my back, but there are lots of things I could be doing that I am not getting done. If I move as much as 2in. in any direction, there is quite a shot of pain! I've been through some pretty severe back pain in the past, but this takes the cake!

      Anyway, God has been giving me great grace throughout these past two days, but I am afraid I am not grateful enough... it is just hard to suffer, you know... and I know that my suffering is minor compared to what many go through. It makes me think of those who truly suffer, not from a short-term condition, but from chronic agonizing pain. I hope this experience helps me to always remember to reach out to those in such pain. I hope it makes me stronger, but more compassionate.

     One good thing that has come from this, I love watching my kids try to take care of me... they even fought over who got to rub my back! (Of course, that might've been because of the reward of chocolate I was offering! LOL!) But, this morning, my oldest daughter had to help me put on my socks and shoes, as I couldn't do this for myself. I thought about that time coming when I am much older and will need such assistance. I thought about what a great practice this might be for them to learn how to love and care for others. What a blessing to have such capable daughters..... and only 11, 6, and 3yo! It humbles me greatly to think of it. And, though my sons did not help with such things, they did take care of some of the housework for me and were willing to reach for things that I could not. How do people get through such pain and difficulty without family? I am a very blessed woman.... and there you see... I am working myself out of my self-pity.... :-)

      Have you ever had a time in your life when you watched your children rise up and care for you? Please let me know in the comment section.... I love good stories, and I have nothing to do but to read them. :-)

Under His Wing.......

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