Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sufficient Grace...

This is from a post I wrote four years ago, and because it is a good perspective on parenting, I thought I'd share this here:

<<<<In different ways, I feel like I've been a better mom to the oldest children... and other ways, I've been a better mom to the youngest.... I think as mothers, we will always have to fight against thoughts of inadequacy.

The fact is, God knew before the foundations of the earth, which of my children would be born in my 20's.... which would be born in my 30's.... which would be born in my 40's... .and He selected their birth order knowing what would be best for each of them and for me.

He knew what my health would be like at these various stages of my life and the impact that this would also have on my parenting. So, that means my mothering looks different now than it did before (and in most ways, HALLELUJAH!)

There are always things that need improvement, but especially in a larger family, I've come to accept and believe that God knows that I can't be everything I want to be to ANY of my children, so I pray for Him to make up for my lack.... His grace is sufficient for them, too, but especially for me.

Parenting in His grace is much easier than in my guilt. :-) >>>

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Living Sacrifice

According to Facebook, I wrote this two years ago today, June 21. Probably, it was meant to encourage a young mom... I actually don't remember writing it. I admit I'm even a little surprised that I COULD write it... It ministered to my heart today, seeming SO relevant at the moment...

There are times when I see young moms struggling with their younger children,  and always the words "living sacrifice" comes to my mind. I want to ask them if they realize that their living sacrifice is seen by God and it delights Him.

I once read that a woman asked Dwight L. Moody advice for how she could serve. His reply was something like, "Focus on evangelizing the heathen in your arms...."

It had an impact on me. It gave me vision. It is harder to keep that vision at times.

Even at church, I've experienced having someone ask me about my calling, and when I've mentioned motherhood,  received, "Of course,  but what else?"

 Oh, my... I often haven't had time for much else..... but I've learned there are seasons in a woman's life, and we aren't meant to live all of them at the same time.

I think it can be so hard in this day and age of global communication to focus on the most important ministry we are given as mothers. It doesn't mean we ignore other needs, but it does mean we can focus on the most urgent need on hand, and trust that the Lord will guide us in this and any other need He brings along.

In this day and age when there seems to be every advantage and opportunity to do more and more, it is a great discipline to do LESS..... and focus on one important task.

 We, as women, who are more likely to multi-task and manage many aspects of life, are also more inclined to compare ourselves to others and struggle with not feeling "enough."  We see snippets of other women's lives, and we see them as superheroes accomplishing so much, while we might be just trying to get our child to tie his shoes or to remember to flush the toilet.

The most sacred moments,  though,  are the ones lived out in the mundane.  The discipline of loving and nurturing and forbearance all happens in the moment by moment of sacrificial living with family.

 As we make choices,  big and small, we teach the next generation how life works. We show them whether our faith impacts our world,  or not.  We show them the meaning of relationship.... or the lack of it..... we teach them the impact of grace on our lives and what it means to forgive. ..... or we teach them how harsh this world really is...

A well-lived day in the life of a young mother and her children can teach them more theology and philosophy than years at a university. Through her, they can see that small actions, kind words,  and firm, loving discipline can make the world a better place.

Sometimes,  less is more.... and more than enough...

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Healed Hearts

I just watched a movie about someone with cancer. It wasn't schmaltzy... it was very realistic in the whole process of normal life, then diagnosis, treatment, facing mortality, and walking out the reality of terminal illness... leaving loved ones behind....

I realized that a part of my heart has been healed in a way I didn't know it could be. Maybe it has been for awhile, but I didn't realize how much it was healed until tonight.

I watched this movie and cried at all the appropriate places. Memories came back as I remembered my friend, Shelly, and her walk through this process and my part in it, usually over the phone. Several parts of this process brought back to mind things that she had said and done or experienced.

I cried at all the appropriate places, but I didn't keep crying. I stopped in between... and even laughed occasionally. I noticed when it was over, I was calm. I wasn't crying. I don't mean that if you cry there is something wrong. I have experienced the deeper heartache that feels never-ending, and I have cried many deep, sorrowful tears.

But, instead, tonight, I realized that all my crying was for good reasons at the right times, but it wasn't for overwhelming grief. The kind of grief that makes you sob for an hour after the movie is over.

My heart has healed enough to stop crying when the sadness is done.... but, it is tender enough to cry at the right times... that is how I know it is healed. 💖