Friday, June 28, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding Part 4

Well, the wedding was over, but wedding fun continued! If you missed part 1, 2, or 3 of this blog, click on these links: When a Family is in a Wedding Part 1  When a Family is in a Wedding Part 2When a Family is in a Wedding, Part 3. Yes, this is becoming a long blog series... LOL...but, I'm putting in lots of pictures, so actually less writing, but I like to have all the bases covered... this is for posterity. ;-)

         Since it was raining we blew bubbles on the bride and groom as they walked through the fellowship area of their church. When they got to the door, the turned around and headed back to sanctuary for pictures. My children were already asking me about changing their clothes, so I had to keep telling them to wait. We got several pictures taken when it dawned on me that I really should've thought more about this ahead of time. Maria asked me if there were any poses I wanted done, and I couldn't think of hardly anything at first. Next time I have a kid get married, I think I will be more serious about this aspect. Having a list made ahead of time, given to the bride to go over with her own ideas and the photographer would've been a smoother course for the day.... It just never occurred to me before that moment. LOL!

We got a few snapshots, but haven't seen the photographer's pictures yet!

Younger kids waited very patiently for their pictures......
It was so much fun to see how my children responded to the wedding activities. They were all such great troupers!

The bridal party
Parents and grandparents
 Nathan and Maria were blessed to have three grandmothers and two grandfathers present at their wedding. This picture includes all of them plus the parents, however, this particular angle doesn't show my mom or Maria's dad very well at all.
One of my favorite pictures... my five sons! I think Nate is quite serious here, but since his brothers are looking goofy, his look works very well in this shot. LOL!

Here is the actual shot of my boys! I'm biased, but I do think they are all quite handsome.
Hard to believe I gave birth to every single one!
 The one thing I knew I wanted pictures of was Nathan with his brothers. I actually thought of a couple other poses I would've liked if I had just thought of it sooner... oh, time!

Now that Nathan lives so far away, I don't often get to see all of my kids all together at one time. So, of course, the first picture I thought of when asked what poses I wanted, was to have a picture of my children all together. Just look at them! How could I not be proud of such a beautiful family! Call me blessed, because I am... they are just as beautiful on the inside!

See how well Maria fits in?!? She looks like one of my kids, doesn't she!?! Well, she is one of mine now. :-)

On to the reception, next! 
When a Family is in a Wedding Part 5 (the Reception)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this with us. My oldest is 17, so I know I'll be going through this in a few years. I'm making mental notes for when this craziness begins for us. =)


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