Friday, August 30, 2013

Something to be "pro-choice" about.... Homeschooling... the other Human Right....

Essay time... be patient with me....

You know... whether or not you have chosen to homeschool your child, the main thing about it is that you have had a choice. Sometimes, we feel like we have no choice... oh, maybe it seems impossible to homeschool because of finances or education level or personality issues, or even health issues... I know it *seems* impossible, but there are lots of people who are homeschooling in these same circumstances.

Or maybe you feel like I did when I started... I felt like I had no choice BUT to homeschool, because it was quite obvious that the public school's way of doing things was destroying one of my children. I was scared and wasn't sure I really wanted to homeschool, but didn't feel like I had a choice. It was a long time before I actually could enjoy homeschooling, and I was angry that the schools were so inadequate for our needs.

The feeling of not having a choice goes both ways......

But what it all boils down to is this:  if you want to homeschool in this country, you have a RIGHT to do so, and you have that CHOICE. Now, here is something to be "pro-choice" about.... because even if you are choosing public school or private school right now, and are happy with it..... hopefully you know that something could change in the future, and if it did, you would want the right to choose how your child should be educated....

Imagine a country that said that it knows better than you what your children should learn. Imagine a country that would actually take your children away, simply because you wanted your children to learn about your faith, and also wanted them to learn about academics the way you thought was best for your children. Suppose you wanted to protect them from harmful agenda being taught in the schools.

Now, stop imagining.... because this is for REAL..... this is really happening in Germany and other European countries. Folks... the nasty father of the modern public school system.... the ugly grandfather of Common Core and other agenda being taught in public schools everywhere....

This is for real.... read your history... Hitler outlawed homeschooling in Germany... this made it much easier for him to control the youth so they would even turn in their own parents. It made it easier to control the people as a whole, so they couldn't even remember how to stand up for their fellow man as he faced persecution right next to them.

Even if you don't want to homeschool, or don't feel like you need to.... you need to recognize that being able to choose your own children's education is a human right. These are not situations where parents are accused of educational neglect... this is tyranny.... and it is crouching at your very own door....


Germany rips children away from homeschooling parents....

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