Friday, June 28, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding Part 4

Well, the wedding was over, but wedding fun continued! If you missed part 1, 2, or 3 of this blog, click on these links: When a Family is in a Wedding Part 1  When a Family is in a Wedding Part 2When a Family is in a Wedding, Part 3. Yes, this is becoming a long blog series... LOL...but, I'm putting in lots of pictures, so actually less writing, but I like to have all the bases covered... this is for posterity. ;-)

         Since it was raining we blew bubbles on the bride and groom as they walked through the fellowship area of their church. When they got to the door, the turned around and headed back to sanctuary for pictures. My children were already asking me about changing their clothes, so I had to keep telling them to wait. We got several pictures taken when it dawned on me that I really should've thought more about this ahead of time. Maria asked me if there were any poses I wanted done, and I couldn't think of hardly anything at first. Next time I have a kid get married, I think I will be more serious about this aspect. Having a list made ahead of time, given to the bride to go over with her own ideas and the photographer would've been a smoother course for the day.... It just never occurred to me before that moment. LOL!

We got a few snapshots, but haven't seen the photographer's pictures yet!

Younger kids waited very patiently for their pictures......
It was so much fun to see how my children responded to the wedding activities. They were all such great troupers!

The bridal party
Parents and grandparents
 Nathan and Maria were blessed to have three grandmothers and two grandfathers present at their wedding. This picture includes all of them plus the parents, however, this particular angle doesn't show my mom or Maria's dad very well at all.
One of my favorite pictures... my five sons! I think Nate is quite serious here, but since his brothers are looking goofy, his look works very well in this shot. LOL!

Here is the actual shot of my boys! I'm biased, but I do think they are all quite handsome.
Hard to believe I gave birth to every single one!
 The one thing I knew I wanted pictures of was Nathan with his brothers. I actually thought of a couple other poses I would've liked if I had just thought of it sooner... oh, time!

Now that Nathan lives so far away, I don't often get to see all of my kids all together at one time. So, of course, the first picture I thought of when asked what poses I wanted, was to have a picture of my children all together. Just look at them! How could I not be proud of such a beautiful family! Call me blessed, because I am... they are just as beautiful on the inside!

See how well Maria fits in?!? She looks like one of my kids, doesn't she!?! Well, she is one of mine now. :-)

On to the reception, next! 
When a Family is in a Wedding Part 5 (the Reception)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding..... Part 3

If you missed the first two parts of this story, you can go here:
 When a Family is in a Wedding Part 1
or here: When a Family is in a Wedding Part 2
Nathan stands at the front of  the church

So, the moment has arrived.... our son was standing at the front of the church, and down the aisle came the bridesmaids and groomsmen, of which, two were my sons.


 Then came the two ringbearers, again my children.... and then the flowergirls....yep, mine... LOL!  I was worried about how Abigail, 4, would do. She can be a wildcard in a scene like this. She is only a little shy, but she is four and somewhat unreasonable if she doesn't want to do something.

Thankfully, she did come down the aisle without tears. She did not throw any petals at all, just barreled down the aisle, but overall, I thought she did well. Bethany, who is my "flowergirl" everyday, all the time, was completely into her role and scattered enough flower petals for both of them. I was very proud of every single one of my kids. Now, it was time to stand!!!

Jordan and Zach


Matt and Sarah-- Bethany and Abigail
The Bride had arrived!
Maria and her father.....
 I will admit, I did not feel particularly emotional when I saw my son standing at the front, but when I saw him take Maria's hand from her father's, I did tear up a bit then. It was just a great moment to see him looking so grown up! I kept thinking of him as a child and what a great delight he was. It was a bittersweet moment.... mostly sweet, but I sure do miss that little boy! And, of course, Maria looked beautiful in her wedding dress and veil! They looked so very happy together!

I think my most favorite part of the entire ceremony was when they went forward to light their "unity candle." This was a variation I had never seen before. The pastor stepped forward, in front of them and explained that he was going to relate a message that they had asked him to share about the Gospel, while they stood in front of the candle, behind him quietly praying for each other in a private moment. It was truly a touching scene, and I particularly loved watching Nathan pray for his wife.

 A very sweet moment for this momma's heart. ♥

Exchanging vows......

We had to blow bubbles on the bride and groom inside the building, instead of outside due to some light rain that day. Bethany, in this picture, was ready to blow her bubbles... She and her sisters helped to hand out the little bottles as people came out of the ceremony. Once they walked through, they had to turn back around and go back to the sanctuary for pictures, and then it was time to set up for the reception which would be in the same room.

Nate and Maria had a lot of great help from their church who seemed to take care of everything! They even had one friend, Alice, who acted as "wedding coordinator" and she did a really great job of helping Maria by making sure things ran smoothly. We are so thankful for the great church family Nate and Maria have found at Catalyst Church, and very thankful for the friends and family who were able to come to the wedding to share in celebrating their day.

♥ Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Mull ♥

End of Part Three........

Continue with more of the story with: When a Family is in a Wedding, Part 4

Under His Wing.....


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding... Part 2

For the first part of this story, be sure to check out  my previous blog: When a Family is in a Wedding..... Part 1

Most of the kids slept well, having spent the last of their energy splashing in a pool. Even I was able to go to sleep a little earlier than usual, however in the middle of the night, Sarah, who had been recovering from a cold earlier in the week began the "coughing phase" in the middle of the night.... poor girl! She was coughing pretty hard for awhile. I got out my bottle of peppermint oil, and the trick of smelling it seemed to help. Neither of us slept very well after that point, but we had to get up very early. I was able to get up and dressed for breakfast, and told the kids to wear the clothes they had traveled in the day before. (With all the planning and packing, I didn't think about needing an outfit to go out of our room for breakfast!)

A little bleary-eyed, we all traipsed down to the restaurant area and had our free complimentary breakfast... the kids were particularly excited to see sugar-coated cereal available, but I made all of them also have some scrambled eggs and protein as well. I asked Tony to call the older boys and to tell them to come down to eat, because I knew they'd think of skipping and today was NOT a day to skip breakfast. Concerned about keeping my own blood sugar level stable, when we left the day before, I made my green smoothie as usual, but then made a second one that was not foamy (left out the gelatin capsule) so it would fit in my thermos.... I carried the thermos down to the restaurant with me, and drank this while also eating eggs and bacon, so I probably had more protein than necessary, but I will say, it carried me through most of the rest of the day.

The view of the back of Sarah's hair when I finished it.

The one concern about taking the time to eat breakfast was that I knew I was going to be pushing it to get hair done before the wedding.... As soon as we got back into the room, I made sure to get my own hair done so I wouldn't have to rush last minute to take care of myself.

I, then, set up our "hair area" so I could quickly work on each of the girls' hair. I will say, working on hair in drama helped with this immensely. I only had one "hair rehearsal" earlier in the week, and knew from that that I really needed 2 hours, but really only had about 1 1/2 hours available, plus I knew I needed to make some changes from what I had done before. Thankfully, my 4yr. old's hair was pretty easy, just a matter of some sponge curlers, so got that set right away.... then, spent quite a bit of time curling Bethany's hair which refuses to be coaxed into a curl. Even with hair product and a curling iron, her curls still managed to start slipping out even before the wedding. I finished up with Sarah's hair, which in some ways was very easy, but I had to make the most changes with hers, and there was still a lot of curling.

Aren't they pretty? If only my foot were just a little longer....

All three ended up very lovely, however, I now had 10 minutes max to get myself dressed and ready to go... Oh, this scenario is all too familiar. I managed to get dressed and get my make up on very quickly, but found out immediately that my SHOES, which were a half size too long.... were really, really too long when I put my hose on... I couldn't walk in them!!!! I kept stepping out of them!!! I had to pick them up and run down the hallway to where the van was parked. This was not good, but no time left to find a solution! 

As I finally got into the van (did I mention it was raining?) and Tony started the 20 minute drive to the church, I began to receive texts from each of my sons, and my son, Nathan, the groom, actually called and asked me where I was....

"Mom, where are you....?"

"We are just now leaving the motel...."

"Mom, the line up is in 5 minutes!!!"

"Nate, did I ever tell you that I was late to my own wedding...." <laughing a little here...pathetic attempt to lighten the moment.....though, it is true, I really was late..... >

"Mom! This isn't your wedding!!! This is mine!"

"Well, I can't change where we are or make us get there any faster. It will be ok. Delays happen all the time, and this will just be a short delay."

"Mom! You were supposed to be here!"

<Sigh> This was really the only time I felt emotional until much later.... I knew that in the end, my delay wouldn't matter much at all, but a momma can feel her child's anxiety as if it is in her very own soul, and I could feel his. It was definitely not my goal to stress out my son on his wedding day!!!!

Perhaps I should've ironed?
When we got there, the kids and I (after removing my shoes again) ran to the back rooms, and we helped the girls change into their  dresses. Matt already had his suit on, and only needed his bow tie and jacket. Grabbing the pillows and baskets, the kids got into the line up and then I shuffled my way to the front of the lineup, yep.... in first position... I had to start off the whole thing... LOL... Thankfully, I could do the "stutter step" -- the take a step, pause, take a step, pause-- that is often done for wedding processions.... in fact, it was easier to walk in my shoes if I just did that all the time! LOL.... At the last minute, I stuffed some paper towels in my shoes so they were less likely to fall right off my feet as I went down the aisle. Caleb, my 15yo son, was my escort, and we thankfully never had any trouble with the "stutter step." We agreed that his Civil Air Patrol marching drills and my marching band training had come in handy.

The tricky part came when I got to the step to the altar area. I had to wait for Maria's mom, and then we both were to go up the step... the night before, with my regular shoes, I caught my sandal on a piece of carpeting on this step and tripped on it and flipped the carpet up! Thankfully, I didn't actually fall and hurt myself... LOL! Bounding up the step in these shoes was at least as tricky, even if I didn't trip this time!

Notice that as I am lighting mine, the other candle is already lit...
Of course, I attempted to look suave and graceful as  I carefully walked up to the candles that Maria's mother and I were to light. I was surprised to see lighters there, instead of little candles with long wicks... OK...I can do this, right? Well, someone can operate that lighter, I am quite sure, but I was not that person! I could not figure out how to start it at all.... childproofed, I'm sure.... and in my case, mom-proofed! At the time, all I could think about is how everyone was stressing the night before at the rehearsal that we were supposed to light our candles AT THE SAME TIME....I almost felt a bit of panic go through me! Once again, I am messing up the timing here......but, then, I started giggling a little, and Maria's mom shared with me her lighter, as she waited patiently, so I could do my job.

Oh, what a confidence building moment all of this was..... NOT! LOL! But, I had a good chuckle over it and managed to get down the step to my chair without tripping or falling, so in my mind, that was SUCCESS!

End of Part 2

To read Part 3, go to When a Family is in a Wedding .... Part 3

Under His Wing.......

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When a Family is in a Wedding...... Part 1

Well, it has been several weeks since I was last able to write a blog. I have had a lot going on... namely my son's wedding! It has been an exciting time of planning, sewing, preparing, and traveling.... We had a lot to get done before the trip. Due to finances, we haven't been able to make any trips in the last few years... our younger kids didn't really know what a motel was as they had never seen one before... We wanted to extend our time in Evansville to help this be a "mini-vacation" as well as the fun time of going down for the wedding.

First try on the girls' hair....

Bethany likes her dress too!

Abi was excited to try on her "princess dress" after I made the sash...

The preparation itself was quite an undertaking.... I had three girls who seemed to want to pack every favorite dress they owned, as they thought of all the useful reasons they could wear them... and of course, this meant shoes, jewelry... you know.... accessories... and, then, I had a 9yo little boy who came in with a couple clothing items which he threw into his suitcase and pronounced that he was done. When I explained that he needed underwear for each day, plus one extra pair, and different outfits for each day, plus an extra outfit, he threw a tantrum and cried for over 20 minutes as he argued, "I don't need a lot of clothes, Mom! I can wear the same underwear everyday. I do it all the time!"

Sarah's hair before the wedding......

Matthew tries on his new bow tie with his suit.

In the meantime, I still had to pack for myself, as well, and I hoped that the older boys were not taking Matthew's approach. I made a list for each day for what each of the younger children had planned to wear and lists of accessories, bathing suits, etc. It was quite a job getting everyone packed, and I can't imagine I'd ever gotten it done if I had to pack for my husband and older boys, too!

The ringbearer's pillow I made for Sarah to carry.....
The ringbearer's pillow I made for Matthew to carry.....

Crocheted two of these and we lined the flowergirl baskets with them.... then afterwards, I gave these to my son and daughter-in-law to keep for their home.

The trip down to Evansville went extremely smoothly. I knew we had many friends praying for our time together, and for the most part, travel went very well. The kids were SO excited about the motel rooms.... "Mom, we have a microwave!" " Mom, there is a refrigerator here... and a TV!" and "Mom, this is our room?! We get to LIVE here?!?" LOL! Then you should've heard them chattering when they saw the swimming pool!!! :-)

We are all ready to go!

Tony's parents came from North Carolina, and his aunt and uncle had driven from Nebraska, so they were visiting by the pool, and thankfully, we got a little time to visit with them then. That evening was the rehearsal, then we had to head to Walmart to pick up some more last minute things and then get back to the motel because the kids, really, really, really wanted to swim and their cousins were there waiting for them! That evening, I was very tired, but enjoyed watching my kids and their cousins splashing away in the pool. They all slept well that night. Soon it would be..... the Wedding Day!

End of Part 1.... To read part 2 go to : When a Family is in a Wedding... Part 2

Under His Wing......