Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Not So Fast.....

     Well, I was getting better.... but this morning, my back pain returned. :-(

     I don't have to tell you how disappointed I felt about that! I don't know if it is because sleeping is very painful still?  I tried to sleep one night in my bed, but last night in the recliner.... I'm not sure what is causing the painful spasms to begin with, so I don't know how to prevent them. Needless to say, I am feeling a little discouraged tonight.

      I hope I can learn how to persevere through this.... it isn't that the pain is so bad.... it really isn't nearly as bad as before.... but there is something about "chronic pain" that is just so much harder to deal with... especially if you are not sure if it is going to go away in a few days.... or weeks... or ever.....

     One thing I have learned from experience (not just my own experience, but from others, too) God always has something for us to learn from suffering of any kind. I know that there are some who would gasp and say, "God would never want us to suffer," but I disagree... only because I've seen the spiritual beauty that can come from physical suffering.... I don't think that sort of thing happens on accident. ;-)

Leaning in tonight... remembering, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phil. 4:13

Under His Wing..... 

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