Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thirsty Hearts!

      After seeing the movie, "Les Miserables," listening to the soundtrack over and over, and now reading the book, I have been reflecting a lot on how the message of God's grace comes through this classic story. On one hand, there is Javert singing his distorted view of God and justice.... believing that a man can never change, as he told Jean Valjean over and over. Why? Because he found it impossible for he, himself, to change. His heart was blocked off from God's mercy. His legalistic view of God prevented his own heart from experiencing life-giving change and that was reflected in his dealings with others, including Jean Valjean, and even in his own destiny. 

     On the other hand, Jean Valjean, a lowly convict, changes behavior, changes names, changes lives--his own and others-- and becomes not only a well-respected man who is loved by others, but also a man who is given to generosity and self-sacrifice. This all began with giving his heart to the Lord, because ONE person believed in him and touched his heart for God. It is such a wonderful story and gives me hope that my own heart will continue to experience life-giving change. It is so easy for me, at times, to be like Javert...focused on those things that haven't changed. I want to keep my heart open to God's mercy.

      I wrote a song once for a friend (she doesn't know it was a song... she only knows of it as a poem....) The subject of the poem originally was my own heart, but it can be the heart of anyone who thirsts after the Living Water of Jesus Christ. The phrases within it are actually phrases that many of my friends spoke to me when I was going through a very difficult trial. 

     I sing it frequently when I am needing encouragement to remember how God is working in my heart-- what He has already changed in me, and what He IS changing in me .....

Living Water by Jennifer Mull

A desert land.... a barren place....
Cold and dark.... cracked and dry...
Thirsts for life.... thirsts for truth....
Longs for love.... hear the cry! 
(repeat x1 when sung)

Come to the Well! Take a sip! 
Drink in deep, Precious Daughter! 
Come to the Well! You are loved! 
Healing is here.... in Living Water....
In Living Water..... 

A changed life! Bearing fruit....
Living fully, bold and true....
Hope and healing...
Living Water flows through you! 

Come to the Well! Take a sip! 
Drink in deep, Precious Daughter! 
Come to the Well! You are loved! 
Healing is here.... in Living Water....
In Living Water..... 

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