Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oh, Blessed Day! :-)

     Today, I got to have another one of those experiences that showed me once again that God is quite interested in me and His purposes for me.

     When I got to church, I noticed immediately that the praise and worship music spoke to my heart. Every song talked about the Presence of God and/or Heaven. These were all songs that I needed to hear this morning.

     "Jesus Your presence is Heaven to me...." sang one song....

     "Better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere...." sang another....

     He loves to show me that He is paying attention to the things that weigh heaviest on my heart, and earlier in the morning, it was this very thing... thinking about Heaven.... thinking about being with Him, that I was focused on this morning. Wondering... how to have His Presence here on earth?

      The sermon was on fasting and prayer, and this again was just what I needed to hear. Don't you love it when you are working through something, and then you hear information from others about the very things you are pondering. Afterwards, I felt like I had been given some direction for the coming days.

     While waiting in the commons area, another church member came up and asked me how I was doing, and though I only revealed a very little at first, she responded with exactly what I needed to hear, then allowed me to share some of the burdens on my own heart. It seemed very much like a "divine appointment." When I came home,  I thought about our conversation and realized that I had a great sense that I had truth revealed to me today for that which I have been struggling. There was no way she could've really known what I needed to hear... I didn't even know... but He did.....

      I had a quiet afternoon, preparing lessons for my literature class that I will be teaching, and took a short nap, then got to go to see The Hobbit with my husband. We don't often go to the movie theater, but this week, had the opportunity to see two movies in a matter of a few days. I am still processing what I saw there tonight. I did enjoy the movie, but I have learned when I love a book and it is made into a movie, I must sort it out and learn how to love each medium separately.

      I did like, very much, how they tied the movie to the LOTR trilogy at the beginning... I thought that part was brilliantly done. And, I think one stand-out moment later in the movie was when Bilbo realized, when he had the opportunity to kill Gollum and be rid of his threat, that in the end, mercy was a better choice. I thought about how that one decision changes the entire outcome of the full story for all Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, and Mankind in the coming adventures.... it meant EVERYTHING.

      It made me think about how we also do not realize how some of the choices we make, good or poor, will effect those things in our future that are to come. There are times now that I feel so insignificant and at times even a bit useless.... but God has a purpose for me and my choice to follow that or not affects not only me, but others as well.... even those I have never yet met. Something to think about......

     Overall, a very blessed day... I pray it will carry me through a week that promises to be quite busy.... lots to do every day this week before starting our homeschooling again next week. A heart at rest can accomplish much.... so I pray I can keep mine there....

     Under His Wing....

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